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WHO Ladder: Step 1                                             <<previous    next>>


A useful first line of treatment is often the use of simple analgesics and NSAIDs.  The table below shows a list of typical dosages. 

Drug Dosage Frequency Route
Paracetamol 500mg - 1g 6 hourly PO, PR
Ibuprofen 400mg - 800mg 8 hourly PO
Diclofenac 50mg 8 hourly PO
Diclofenac 100mg 18 hourly PR
Ketoprofen 50mg 8 hourly PO

PO = oral, PR = rectal     

When prescribing NSAIDs, it is important to check for any history of Asthma (can be exacerbated by NSAIDS), previous hypersensitivity reaction to ANY NSAID (class effect contraindicates use of any other NSAID), and active bleeding / ulceration.  In all cases when NSAIDs will be used for a prolonged period, a gastroprotective drug should be prescribed eg. Lansoprazole 15mg od.

So a patient on step 1 may be on a drug regime like this:

Paracetamol 1g four times a day

Diclofenac 50mg three times a day

Lansoprazole 15mg a day

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